Home Business Guides Tips On How Yo Use ChatGPT For Your Next Salary Negotiation

Tips On How Yo Use ChatGPT For Your Next Salary Negotiation

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Asking for a raise at work can feel like a daunting task. The majority of experts will tell you to prepare a script and rehearse in order to prepare for the difficult conversation. Then, ChatGPT enters the chatroom.

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot with the ability to write an entire human-like conversation. The model can answer questions, and assist with tasks such as composing emails, essays, news articles, and more.

Some people have turned to the bot to complete mundane tasks, and seeking help in difficult conversations is definitely at the top of the list. According to a recent survey, nearly 30% of employees have used ChatGPT to assist with work-related tasks.

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Using ChatGPT For Salary Negotiation

  • While you may find it helpful to use ChatGPT as a starting point or script template, ALWAYS review what the bot produced. Asking for negotiation advice can certainly be helpful, but it's no better than just looking at another career site. 
  • AI also lacks the ability to truly understand "the human touch" and the complexity of human language and conversation. It is simply trained to generate words based on the given input and falls short of comprehending the meaning of those words. Responses often are shallow and lack depth and insight. Don't hesitate to add a little human touch and personal career examples to strengthen your case. Review line by line and add examples such as how you've impacted the team/business and your career goals and accomplishments, etc.  
  • AI also doesn't consider information outside of your prompt. For example, you may ask ChatGPT "What do I say when asking for a raise" and it will certainly produce results directly related to this question. The bot won't consider the amount of money you are requesting or other items to consider a bonus (such as benefits, additional PTO, etc). Be thoughtful, strategic, and focused in your prompt to AI. The bot is shortsighted and won't think outside the box for you. Consider asking different questions to get more information to help your script. Ask questions such as salary estimates for your job and experience. Think of AI as more of a foundation to be built upon and consider other items as a bonus (i.e. remote work, vacation days, childcare, etc).
  • ChatGPT can produce answers that are incorrect. The bot is limited to data from 2021 and therefore does not have awareness of information since then. AI chatbots can easily spread misinformation since they are only bots and summarize information found on the web. It is important to review and proofread any information and language created by a bot in order to avoid mistakes in your raise script.

About The Author

Andres Lares is the Managing Partner at Shapiro Negotiations Institute and co-author of Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions. Lares' expertise ranges from coaching live negotiations for sports clients including Cleveland Browns, Brooklyn Nets, and more, to developing online content for facilitating programs in real estate, advisory, media, banking, and pharmaceuticals.

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