Home Technology iOS 8 Users Facing Battery Life And Wi-Fi Problems

iOS 8 Users Facing Battery Life And Wi-Fi Problems

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Along with the iOS 8 update came some big problems for some iDevice users. There’s a new thread on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s support page (spotted by Tech 2) that was started by users who are having big problems with the battery life and Wi-Fi on their devices.

Wi-Fi problems reported with iOS 8

Users on the forum reported issues even with some of Apple’s relatively new devices, like the iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina display after upgrading to iOS 8. Some said the Wi-Fi speed was extremely slow while others said the Wi-Fi connection kept dropping.

One person on the forum said they spoke with Apple Support. Of course they were told to do a restore and set up the device as new, but they started to see other problems with iOS 8 after that. They restored their backup then, but the problems returned. Apple Support reportedly advised that it was a hardware issue, but with so many users reporting problems, that seems to be incorrect.

Battery drain problems reported

Others said on another support forum thread that they were having issues with battery life after upgrading to iOS 8. One person even said that the battery went from 100% down to zero in only about four hours with hardly any use.

As for now, it appears as if the battery life problem isn’t quite as widespread as the Wi-Fi issues because it takes up a lot less room on the forum. As CNET notes, battery life is a common problem with iOS upgrades, so it isn’t much of a surprise that it should rear its ugly head with iOS 8 as well.

Performance issues also appear with iOS 8

Tech 2 also reports that just overall performance was affected by the iOS 8 upgrade. MacRumors’ support forum is filled with comments from owners of older iDevices who say Safari especially seems to run much more slowly since they upgraded to iOS 8.

According to Tech 2, sound problems have also appeared for some iPad users with iOS 8. They found issues even with iPad 4, wth sound entirely disappearing from games and apps even though it was still there with music and YouTube.

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