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Financial Machine Learning

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Book review of Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos Lopez de Prado followed by an excerpt on the book’s Chapter 1.

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Machine learning (ML) is changing virtually every aspect of our lives. Today ML algorithms accomplish tasks that until recently only expert humans could perform. As it relates to finance, this is the most exciting time to adopt a disruptive technology that will transform how everyone invests for generations. Readers will learn how to structure Big data in a way that is amenable to ML algorithms; how to conduct research with ML algorithms on that data; how to use supercomputing methods; how to backtest your discoveries while avoiding false positives. The book addresses real-life problems faced by practitioners on a daily basis, and explains scientifically sound solutions using math, supported by code and examples. Readers become active users who can test the proposed solutions in their particular setting. Written by a recognized expert and portfolio manager, this book will equip investment professionals with the groundbreaking tools needed to succeed in modern finance.

Advances In Financial Machine Learning


“In his new book Advances in Financial Machine Learning, noted financial scholar Marcos Lopez de Prado strikes a well-aimed karate chop at the naive and often statistically overfit techniques that are so prevalent in the financial world today.  He points out that not only are business-as-usual approaches largely impotent in today’s high-tech finance, but in many cases they are actually prone to lose money.  But Lopez de Prado does more than just expose the mathematical and statistical sins of the finance world.  Instead, he offers a technically sound roadmap for finance professionals to join the wave of machine learning.  What is particularly refreshing is the author's empirical approach — his focus is on real-world data analysis, not on purely theoretical methods that may look pretty on paper but which in many cases are largely ineffective in practice.  The book is geared to finance professionals who are already familiar with statistical data analysis techniques, but it is well worth the effort for those who want to do real state-of-the-art work in the field.” - Dr. David H. Bailey, former Complex Systems Lead, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Co-discoverer of the BBP spigot algorithm.

“Finance has evolved from a compendium of heuristics based on historical financial statements to a highly sophisticated scientific discipline relying on computer farms to analyze massive data streams in real time. The recent highly impressive advances in machine learning (ML) are fraught with both promise and peril when applied to modern finance.  While finance offers up the non-linearities and large data sets upon which ML thrives, it also offers up noisy data and the human element which presently lie beyond the scope of standard ML techniques.  To err is human but if you really want to f**k things up, use a computer. Against this background, Dr. Lopez de Prado has written the first comprehensive book describing the application of modern ML to financial modeling. The book blends the latest technological developments in ML with critical life lessons learned from the author's decades of financial experience in leading academic and industrial institutions. I highly recommend this exciting book to both prospective students of financial ML and the professors and supervisors who teach and guide them.” - Prof. Peter Carr, Chair of the Finance and Risk Engineering Department, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

“Marcos is a visionary who works tirelessly to advance the finance field. His writing is comprehensive and masterfully connects the theory to the application. It is not often you find a book that can cross that divide. This book is an essential read for both practitioners and technologists working on solutions for the investment community.” - Landon Downs, President and co-Founder, 1QBit.

“Academics who want to understand modern investment management need to read this book. In it, Marcos Lopez de Prado explains how portfolio managers use machine learning to derive, test and employ trading strategies. He does this from a very unusual combination of an academic perspective and extensive experience in industry allowing him to both explain in detail what happens in industry and to explain how it works. I suspect that some readers will find parts of the book that they do not understand or that they disagree with, but everyone interested in understanding the application of machine learning to finance will benefit from reading this book.” - Prof. David Easley, Cornell University. Chair of the NASDAQ-OMX Economic Advisory Board.

“For many decades, finance has relied on overly simplistic statistical techniques to identify patterns in data. Machine learning promises to change that by allowing researchers to use modern non-linear and highly-dimensional techniques, similar to those used in scientific fields like DNA analysis and astrophysics. At the same time, applying those machine learning algorithms to model financial problems would be dangerous. Financial problems require very distinct machine learning solutions. Dr. Lopez de Prado's book is the first one to characterize what makes standard machine learning tools fail when applied to the field of finance, and the first one to provide practical solutions to unique challenges faced by asset managers. Everyone who wants to understand the future of finance should read this book.” - Prof. Frank Fabozzi, EDHEC Business School. Editor of The Journal of Portfolio Management.

“This is a welcome departure from the knowledge hoarding that plagues quantitative finance. Lopez de Prado defines for all readers the next era of finance: industrial scale scientific research powered by machines.” - John Fawcett, Founder and CEO, Quantopian.

“Marcos has assembled in one place an invaluable set of lessons and techniques for practitioners seeking to deploy machine learning techniques in finance. If machine learning is a new and potentially powerful weapon in the arsenal of quantitative finance, Marcos' insightful book is laden with useful advice to help keep a curious practitioner from going down any number of blind alleys, or shooting oneself in the foot.” - Ross Garon, Head of Cubist Systematic Strategies. Managing Director, Point72 Asset Management.

“The first wave of quantitative innovation in finance was led by Markowitz optimization. Machine Learning is the second wave and it will touch every aspect of finance. Lopez de Prado’s Advances in Financial Machine Learning is essential for readers who want to be ahead of the technology rather than being replaced by it.” - Prof. Campbell Harvey, Duke University. Former President of the American Finance Association.

“How does one make sense of todays’ financial markets in which complex algorithms route orders, financial data is voluminous, and trading speeds are measured in nanoseconds?  In this important book, Marcos Lopez de Prado sets out a new paradigm for investment management built on machine learning.  Far from being a “black box” technique, this book clearly explains the tools and process of financial machine learning. For academics and practitioners alike, this book fills an important gap in our understanding of investment management in the machine age.” - Prof. Maureen O’Hara, Cornell University. Former President of the American Finance Association.

“Marcos Lopez de Prado has produced an extremely timely and important book on machine learning. The author's academic and professional first-rate credentials shine through the pages of this book - indeed, I could think of few, if any, authors better suited to explaining both the theoretical and the practical aspects of this new and (for most) unfamiliar subject. Both novices and experienced professionals will find insightful ideas, and will understand how the subject can be applied in novel and useful ways. The Python code will give the novice readers a running start, and will allow them to gain quickly a hands-on appreciation of the subject. Destined to become a classic in this rapidly burgeoning field.” - Prof. Riccardo Rebonato, EDHEC Business School. Former Global Head of Rates and FX Analytics at PIMCO.

“A tour de force on practical aspects of machine learning in finance brimming with ideas on how to employ cutting edge techniques, such as fractional differentiation and quantum computers, to gain insight and competitive advantage. A useful volume for finance and machine learning practitioners alike.” - Dr. Collin P. Williams, Head of Research, D-Wave Systems.

Marcos Lopez de Prado

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Guggenheim Partners; Harvard University


Machine learning (ML) is changing virtually every aspect of our lives. Today ML algorithms accomplish tasks that until recently only expert humans could perform. As it relates to finance, this is the most exciting time to adopt a disruptive technology that will transform how everyone invests for generations.


Machine learning (ML) is changing virtually every aspect of our lives. Today ML algorithms accomplish tasks that until recently only expert humans could perform. As it relates to finance, this is the most exciting time to adopt a disruptive technology that will transform how everyone invests for generations. This book explains scientifically sound ML tools that have worked for me over the course of two decades, and have helped me to manage large pools of funds for some of the most demanding institutional investors.

Books about investments largely fall in one of two categories. On one hand we find books written by authors who have not practiced what they teach. They contain extremely elegant mathematics that describes a world that does not exist. Just because a theorem is true in a logical sense does not mean it is true in a physical sense. On the other hand we find books written by authors who offer explanations absent of any rigorous academic theory. They misuse mathematical tools to describe actual observations. Their models are overfit and fail when implemented. Academic investigation and publication are divorced from practical application to financial markets, and many applications in the trading/investmentworld are not grounded in proper science.

A first motivation for writing this book is to cross the proverbial divide that separates academia and the industry. I have been on both sides of the rift, and I understand how difficult it is to cross it and how easy it is to get entrenched on one side. Virtue is in the balance. This book will not advocate a theory merely because of its mathematical beauty, and will not propose a solution just because it appears to work. My goal is to transmit the kind of knowledge that only comes from experience, formalized in a rigorous manner.

A second motivation is inspired by the desire that finance serves a purpose. Over the years some of my articles, published in academic journals and newspapers, have expressed my displeasure with the current role that finance plays in our society. Investors are lured to gamble their wealth on wild hunches originated by charlatans and encouraged by mass media. One day in the near future,MLwill dominate finance, science will curtail guessing, and investing will not mean gambling. I would like the reader to play a part in that revolution.

A third motivation is that many investors fail to grasp the complexity of ML applications to investments. This seems to be particularly true for discretionary firms moving into the “quantamental” space. I am afraid their high expectations will not be met, not because ML failed, but because they used ML incorrectly. Over the coming years, many firms will invest with off-the-shelf ML algorithms, directly imported from academia or Silicon Valley, and my forecast is that they will lose money (to better ML solutions). Beating the wisdom of the crowds is harder than recognizing faces or driving cars.With this book my hope is that you will learn how to solve some of the challenges that make finance a particularly difficult playground for ML, like backtest overfitting. Financial ML is a subject in its own right, related to but separate from standard ML, and this book unravels it for you.


The rate of failure in quantitative finance is high, particularly so in financial ML. The few who succeed amass a large amount of assets and deliver consistently exceptional performance to their investors. However, that is a rare outcome, for reasons explained in this book. Over the past two decades, I have seen many faces come and go, firms started and shut down. In my experience, there is one critical mistake that underlies all those failures.

1.2.1 The Sisyphus Paradigm

Discretionary portfolio managers (PMs) make investment decisions that do not follow a particular theory or rationale (if there were one, they would be systematic PMs). They consume raw news and analyses, but mostly rely on their judgment or intuition. They may rationalize those decisions based on some story, but there is always a story for every decision. Because nobody fully understands the logic behind their bets, investment firms ask them to work independently from one another, in silos, to ensure diversification. If you have ever attended a meeting of discretionary PMs, you probably noticed how long and aimless they can be. Each attendee seems obsessed about one particular piece of anecdotal information, and giant argumentative leaps are made without fact-based, empirical evidence. This does not mean that discretionary PMs cannot be successful. On the contrary, a few of them are. The point is, they cannot naturally work as a team. Bring 50 discretionary PMs together, and they will influence one another until eventually you are paying 50 salaries for the work of one. Thus it makes sense for them to work in silos so they interact as little as possible.

Wherever I have seen that formula applied to quantitative or ML projects, it has led to disaster. The boardroom’s mentality is, let us do with quants what has worked with discretionary PMs. Let us hire 50 PhDs and demand that each of them produce an investment strategy within six months. This approach always backfires, because each PhD will frantically search for investment opportunities and eventually settle for (1) a false positive that looks great in an overfit backtest or (2) standard factor investing, which is an overcrowded strategy with a low Sharpe ratio, but at least has academic support. Both outcomes will disappoint the investment board, and the project will be cancelled. Even if 5 of those PhDs identified a true discovery, the profits would not suffice to cover for the expenses of 50, so those 5 will relocate somewhere else, searching for a proper reward.

1.2.2 The Meta-Strategy Paradigm

If you have been asked to develop ML strategies on your own, the odds are stacked against you. It takes almost as much effort to produce one true investment strategy as to produce a hundred, and the complexities are overwhelming: data curation and processing, HPC infrastructure, software development, feature analysis, execution simulators, backtesting, etc. Even if the firm provides you with shared services in those areas, you are like a worker at a BMW factory who has been asked to build an entire car by using all the workshops around you. One week you need to be a master welder, another week an electrician, another week a mechanical engineer, another week a painter . . . You will try, fail, and circle back to welding. How does that make sense?

Every successful quantitative firm I am aware of applies the meta-strategy paradigm (L´opez de Prado [2014]). Accordingly, this book was written as a research manual for teams, not for individuals. Through its chapters you will learn how to set up a research factory, as well as the various stations of the assembly line. The role of each quant is to specialize in a particular task, to become the best there is at it, while having a holistic view of the entire process. This book outlines the factory plan, where teamwork yields discoveries at a predictable rate, with no reliance on lucky strikes. This is how Berkeley Lab and other U.S. National Laboratories routinely make scientific discoveries, such as adding 16 elements to the periodic table, or laying out the groundwork for MRIs and PET scans.1 No particular individual is responsible for these discoveries, as they are the outcome of team efforts where everyone contributes. Of course, setting up these financial laboratories takes time, and requires people who know what they are doing and have done it before. But what do you think has a higher chance of success, this proven paradigm of organized collaboration or the Sisyphean alternative of having every single quant rolling their immense boulder up the mountain?


This book disentangles a web of interconnected topics and presents them in an ordered fashion. Each chapter assumes that you have read the previous ones. Part 1 will help you structure your financial data in a way that is amenable to ML algorithms. Part 2 discusses how to do research with ML algorithms on that data. Here the emphasis is on doing research and making an actual discovery through a scientific process, as opposed to searching aimlessly until some serendipitous (likely false) result pops up. Part 3 explains how to backtest your discovery and evaluate the probability that it is false.

These three parts give an overview of the entire process, from data analysis to model research to discovery evaluation.With that knowledge, Part 4 goes back to the data and explains innovative ways to extract informative features. Finally, much of this work requires a lot of computational power, so Part 5 wraps up the book with some useful HPC recipes.

1.3.1 Structure by Production Chain

Mining gold or silver was a relatively straightforward endeavor during the 16th and 17th centuries. In less than a hundred years, the Spanish treasure fleet quadrupled the amount of precious metals in circulation throughout Europe. Those times are long gone, and today prospectors must deploy complex industrial methods to extract microscopic bullion particles out of tons of earth. That does not mean that gold production is at historical lows. On the contrary, nowadays miners extract 2,500 metric tons of microscopic gold every year, compared to the average annual 1.54 metric tons taken by the Spanish conquistadors throughout the entire 16th century!2 Visible gold is an infinitesimal portion of the overall amount of gold on Earth. El Dorado was always there . . . if only Pizarro could have exchanged the sword for a microscope.

The discovery of investment strategies has undergone a similar evolution. If a decade ago it was relatively common for an individual to discover macroscopic alpha (i.e., using simple mathematical tools like econometrics), currently the chances of that happening are quickly converging to zero. Individuals searching nowadays for macroscopic alpha, regardless of their experience or knowledge, are fighting overwhelming odds. The only true alpha left is microscopic, and finding it requires capital-intensive industrial methods. Just like with gold, microscopic alpha does not mean smaller overall profits. Microscopic alpha today is much more abundant than macroscopic alpha has ever been in history. There is a lot of money to be made, but you will need to use heavy ML tools.

Let us review some of the stations involved in the chain of production within a modern asset manager.

Lopez de Prado, Marcos, Advances in Financial Machine Learning (Chapter 1) (January 18, 2018). Advances in Financial Machine Learning, Wiley, 1st Edition (2018); ISBN: 978-1-119-48208-6. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3104847

About the Author

Marcos Lopez de Prado manages several multi-billion-dollar funds for institutional investors using machine learning algorithms. Over the past 20 years, his work has combined advanced mathematics with super-computing technologies to deliver billions of dollars in net profits for investors and firms. A proponent of research by collaboration, Marcos has published with more than 30 leading academics, resulting in some of the most-read papers in finance.

Since 2010, Marcos has also been a Research Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science), where he conducts research focused on the mathematics of large-scale financial problems and high-performance computing at the Computational Research department. For the past seven years he has lectured at Cornell University, where he currently teaches a graduate course in financial big data and machine learning in the Operations Research department.

Marcos is the recipient of the 1999 National Award for Academic Excellence, which the government of Spain bestows upon the best graduate student nationally. He earned a PhD in financial economics (2003) and a second PhD in mathematical finance (2011) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Between his two doctorates, Marcos was a postdoctoral research fellow of RCC at Harvard University for three years, during which he published more than a dozen articles in JCR-indexed scientific journals. Marcos has an Erdos #2 and an Einstein #4, according to the American Mathematical Society.

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