Home Frequently Asked Questions The Untold Story: Why Some Companies Don’t Have Stock Options Trading

The Untold Story: Why Some Companies Don’t Have Stock Options Trading

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Are you a novice to investing and are confused why some stocks have so many options while others don’t? If so, this article has got you all covered. Many people are interested in trading stocks but unaware that some stocks don’t have options. So, why do some stocks not have options?

A company should meet certain requirements to be eligible to have options traded on the stocks. The security should be NMS stock registered. It should have at least 7 million public shares and at least 2,000 shareholders. Plus, in the past 12 months, the trading volume shouldn’t be lower than 2,400,000 shares. Lastly, the security price must be high for a specific period of time.

In this article, we will explain why some stocks don’t have options and how you can trade stock options to nail the stock market. Keep reading!

What is a Stock?

A stock, also known as a share or equity, is a type of investment that represents ownership in a publicly traded company. When you invest in stocks, you become part-owner of the company and are entitled to a portion of its profits and losses.

Stocks have historically outperformed other investments, such as bonds and cash, over the long term; however, they can also be more volatile than these additional investments. Investing in stocks can be a great way to create wealth over time, but it also carries risks. Therefore, investors must consider their risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment objectives before investing in stocks.


There are two main types of stocks. Let’s have a look at them in detail.

Common Stock

Common stock is the most common form of stock and generally entitled shareholders to vote on company matters and receive dividends. It grants investors voting rights on certain matters and gives them the potential for capital appreciation. Owners of common stock are also first in line to receive assets if a company is liquidated after bankruptcy or dissolution.

Preferred Stock

Preferred shares typically don’t have voting rights but may have preferences over common stocks concerning either dividend payments or asset distribution upon liquidation. Preferred shareholders generally receive their money back before the common share holders, making them less risky investments. However, they also typically offer lower potential returns than common stock. 

How to Trade Stocks?

Once you have decided what stocks to trade, it is important to know how to trade stocks. Some of the basic steps are given below:

Research the Stock

Before making any trades, you must research the stock you are looking at. Take time to study its performance, analyze its financial statements, review analyst recommendations and ratings, and understand the stock’s current market value. Doing this research will help you make a more informed decision when deciding whether or not it is a good idea to buy or sell that particular stock. 

Open Account

The step to trading stocks is opening a brokerage account. A brokerage account allows you to buy and sell shares of stock on the open market. The process for opening a brokerage account varies from broker to broker but typically involves filling out an application with personal information and providing proof of identity. You may also need to fund your account with an initial deposit. Once your application is approved, you are ready to start trading stocks. 

Decide How Many Shares You Want To Buy/Sell

Once you have researched and determined which stock you want to buy/sell, the next step is to decide how many shares of that stock you would like to trade. This decision should be based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. The more shares you purchase, the higher your potential profit or loss will be. 

Place Your Order

Now that you have decided which stock you will buy/sell and the number of shares involved, it is time to place your order. Most online brokers offer different ways for customers to place their orders.

Monitor Your Position

After you have placed your order, it is essential to monitor your position closely. Keep an eye on the stock’s performance and make adjustments as needed. If you are starting to experience losses, consider selling off some of your shares before the situation worsens. If you are still bullish about the stock, consider increasing your position by buying more shares or raising your limit order. 

Track Your Profits And Losses

Once all your trades have been completed, tracking your profits and losses for each stock is essential. It will help you understand your performance better and identify any weaknesses in your trading strategy. It is also important to note that taxes may be due on any profits you make, so make sure to factor this into your calculations when deciding whether or not to buy/sell a particular stock. 

By following these steps, you should be well on your way to becoming a successful investor in the stock market. Just remember to do your research before making trades, keep track of all your positions, and don’t risk more than you can afford to lose. 

What is an Option?

An option is a contract that gives an investor the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price. Options are derivative securities, meaning their value is derived from other securities, such as a stock, index, or currency. 

When you purchase an option, you enter into a legal agreement with the seller, usually a brokerage firm. The agreement outlines the stock price at which you can buy or sell the underlying stock, as well as the expiration date of the option. 

Options are leveraged instruments, allowing investors to control large amounts of an asset for only a fraction of its total cost. This leverage can amplify returns but also carries with it greater risk. Therefore, it is important to understand how options work and the risks involved before trading them. 

Check Out Stock Options Explained:


Types of Options

Options can be used effectively in various strategies to increase profits and reduce risk. There are two main types of options: 


A call option gives the holder the right to purchase an asset at a predetermined price within a specified period. The owner of call options have the benefit of being able to buy the underlying asset at a price lower than its current market value. It can be advantageous if the asset’s price increases over time. 


A put option gives the holder the right to sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified time. The put option owner can protect themselves from downside risk by locking in a selling price for their investment, regardless of whether or not the market value decreases over time. It can be advantageous if the asset’s price declines over time. 

In both cases, the option can be exercised anytime before expiration. The profit or loss will depend on the difference between the premium paid for the option and the market value of the underlying asset at that time.

How to Trade Options?

Options are versatile tools that can be used in many trading strategies. They offer investors a chance to gain exposure to assets without purchasing them outright. Options trading can be a great way to earn quick and effective returns potentially, but it’s essential to understand its risks.

Opening Account

Before opening an account, you have to research and decide which options trading strategy is right for you, and once you are done with that, the next step is to open an options trading account.

You will need to provide your personal information and proof of identity before you can begin trading, as brokers need to know a bit more about their potential investors before giving them the green light. Once your account is open, you must deposit money into it to start trading. After having all the necessary funds in your account, you can start trading options. 

Select Your Broker 

The next step is to select a broker who offers options trading services. All brokers will differ in their fees and services, so shopping around and comparing what each offers before making a decision is essential. Before settling on one broker, you should consider margin requirements, customer service, and educational resources. 

Know Your Options Strategies

After selecting a broker, you have to learn about the options and strategies available. Options trading can be very complex, and investors use several techniques depending on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions. Understanding how each strategy works before making any trades is essential to maximize your chances of success. 

Place Your Trade

Once you feel comfortable with your chosen options strategy, it’s time to place your trade. Depending on your broker, you can do it online or through an app. Before placing a trade, review all the details, including the expiration date, strike price, underlying asset, and quantity of contracts being traded. Once everything is in order, you can place your trade and wait for the results. 

Monitor Your Position 

It’s essential to monitor your position to make adjustments after placing a trade. If things start going south, you may want to consider closing out your position early or even taking a loss to minimize further losses. It’s also important to keep an eye on any news that may affect the underlying asset so you can adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Track Your Results 

The final step is tracking your results to review what worked and didn’t work when trading options. It will help you determine which strategies are best suited for different market conditions and will help you refine your trading skills over time. 

Stock vs Options

In the realm of investing, options and stocks are two terms that you will come across more often. However, these two can be confusing sometimes. So, what exactly is the difference between options and stocks? To understand this better, let’s have a quick comparison of the pros and cons of stocks and options. 

Here’s a look at both to decide which suits your investment goals. 

Characteristics Stocks Options
Investment Type Equity Derivative
May be suitable for Long-term investors and beginners Those who trade frequently and want freedom in their investments.
Drawbacks Taxes, fees, and associated risks Risk, time-consuming and costly

Pros of Investing in Stocks

There are many benefits of investing in stocks; some of them are

Potential for High Returns

One of the significant advantages of stocks is their potential to generate higher returns than other investments over the long term. With proper research and a diversified portfolio, investors can achieve significant profits by investing in stocks.


Diversification is one of the most important aspects of investing, and stocks offer investors the opportunity to spread their risk across different asset classes and industries. By buying stocks from other sectors, investors can help reduce their overall risk while still having access to potentially high returns.


The ability to quickly and cheaply convert your shares into cash is what economists call “liquid.” It’s easy to buy and sell shares whenever you want, giving investors flexibility and control over their investments. That’s crucial if you unexpectedly find yourself in need of cash. 

Low Costs

Unlike other types of investments, such as real estate, stock market investing is relatively inexpensive. Most online brokerages will charge minimal fees for trading stocks, and many offer free accounts with no minimum balance requirements.

Cons of Investing in Stocks

Despite many advantages, some drawbacks regarding investing in stocks should be considered before deciding. These include: 


One of the most significant liabilities to stock market investing is its volatility. Stock prices can rapidly go up or down due to changes in economic conditions, political events, rumors, and speculation. It makes it difficult to predict the future value of a company’s stock, making investing risky at times. 

Market Crashes

Another downside to investing in stocks is the potential for significant losses during market crashes. When markets suddenly drop, investors can experience substantial losses if they have not diversified their portfolios enough to reduce risk.

Limited Rights

Investors who buy stocks do not have accurate control over a company’s operations and decision-making. They only say shareholders have at annual meetings when they can vote on issues related to the company’s management or finances. 


Although stock market investing costs are generally low, there are still fees associated with it, such as broker commission fees and taxes. These fees can take away from any profits made from investing in stocks. 

Overall, investing in stocks can be a great way to generate substantial returns over the long term if done correctly. However, investors should also be aware of the risks associated with stock market investing and take steps to protect their investments from potential losses.

Pros of Options

There are many benefits of investing and trading in options:


Option offers a cost-effective solution for businesses that need to access large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Compared to other solutions, Option provides competitive pricing and offers a range of features at no additional cost. 

Easy to Use 

Options are easy to set up and use, with an intuitive interface that makes them simple for users to operate the platform without prior knowledge or experience. Additionally, several user guides, tutorials, and resources are available online to help users get started quickly and easily.


An option provides a range of customizable features and settings that allow users to tailor the platform to meet their specific needs. It is an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes, as it can be adapted to suit the business’s unique requirements. 

Cons of Options

The investing in options also has some drawbacks: 

Limited Support 

Option offers limited customer support, with only a few contact channels available. There is no live chat or telephone support, and users are often left waiting for long periods before receiving a response from the company’s customer service team. 

Reliability Issues

The option has experienced some reliability issues in the past, with customers reporting system crashes and slowness when using the platform. While the company has addressed these issues, there is still a risk that the forum may not perform as expected, leading to data loss or other costly disruptions. 

Security Concerns

The option doesn’t have the most robust security measures, leaving users vulnerable to malicious attacks and potential data breaches. The company has implemented some steps to protect user data, but these may not be sufficient for businesses with strict security requirements.

Are ETFs Better?

ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) offer investors a range of advantages and more flexibility in terms of trading. ETFs have become increasingly popular as they are easier to manage and provide greater risk and return control.

However, ETFs have both advantages as well as disadvantages. Let’s have a look at them:

Advantages of ETFs 

  • ETFs provide investors access to an array of assets, including stocks, bonds and commodities. It allows investors to diversify their portfolios without having to purchase individual assets. 
  • They typically have lower fees than mutual funds, which means investors can keep more of their returns. 
  • Plus, they are traded on exchanges, just like stocks. It makes it easy to buy and sell without paying a broker or other intermediary. 
  • EFTs provide high-leverage opportunities through margin accounts and futures contracts.
  • Compared to other investment products, ETFs are relatively tax efficient.

Disadvantages of ETFs

  • ETFs are pre-packaged investments; they do not provide the same level of flexibility as buying individual stocks or other assets. 
  • As with any investment, there is always the potential for market risk when investing in an ETF. 

Comparison with Stock and Option

No. ETFs Stock Option
1. High liquidity due to active trading on exchanges. High liquidity due to active trading on exchanges. Low liquidity as they are subject to time decay 
2. Low cost with no upfront commission or minimum balance costs. Low cost but there is an upfront commission and may require minimum balance costs. Higher cost due to broker fees and commissions.
3. High diversification benefits as ETFs can include a broad range of assets. Moderate diversification benefits, as stocks focus more on one company or sector. Limited diversification benefits as options are dependent on one underlying asset.
4. High-leverage opportunities available with ETFs through margin accounts and futures contracts. Low leverage opportunities, as most stock trading uses cash margin accounts. High leverage opportunities are available from buying call or put options with minimal capital outlay. 
5. ETFs are relatively tax efficient compared to other investment products. Stocks generate up-front taxation in the form of capital gains when sold. Options offer tax advantages as profits can be taxed at lower capital gains rates.

In short, both ETFs and stocks/options have pros and cons when investing. ETFs provide investors access to multiple assets and lower fees but lack flexibility. Stocks/options give investors greater control but involve greater risk and higher costs. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on an investor’s individual goals and risk tolerance. 


Who Makes More Money Option Buyers or Sellers?

Option buyers generally seek to profit from the movement in the price of an underlying asset. The chances of an option seller making a profit are about 2/3, while an option buyer has a 1/3 chance. Although the option buyers may earn more profits, they frequently lose.

What Happens to Options that Expire in the Money?

When stock options expire in the money, they are converted into 100 short or long stock shares. However, you can pick the right expiration date by opting for a long or short-term option position. 

Which Day is Good for Options Trading?

Options trading can be lucrative and rewarding, but only if you pick the right day to trade. While it’s possible to make successful trades any day of the week, certain days tend to be better for executing options trades. 

  • Monday is often a good day because the markets often open up with gaps, creating opportunities for profits or losses. 
  • Friday is the last day of the trading week, as investors close their positions.

Whatever day you decide to trade may create opportunities for those with short-term strategies. 

Can you Get Rich from Options Trading?

Yes, options trading can be an incredibly lucrative activity if done correctly. By researching and utilizing the right strategies, a person can generate significant returns on their investments. While there is no guarantee of success, the potential exists to make significant money through options trading.


Before venturing into the world of stocks and options, it is important to understand the rewards and risks associated with each one. Stocks are often seen as a more stable investment, providing slower but steady growth. 

On the other hand, options are often seen as riskier investments, but they can also provide the potential for much higher returns. With the potential risks and rewards of both stocks and options, it is important for investors to carefully consider their goals before getting involved.

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